You Are the Cinnabar in My Heart


10.26k words

18 chapters



Table of Contents


The novel "You Are the Cinnabar in My Heart" is a riveting drama about James Carter, Emma Wilson, Lily, and Mark Johnson. James, misled by Emma, believes Lily is unfaithful to Mark. The story unravels a web of jealousy, betrayal, and manipulation, with Emma orchestrating events to win James and sabotage Lily. The plot thickens as Lily's amnesia, caused by a traumatic event linked to Emma, starts to fade, revealing the truth behind the misconceptions. Emma's schemes are exposed in a climactic confrontation, leading to a violent clash where Lily is hurt. Ultimately, James and Lily reconcile, learning the importance of trust and communication, while Emma faces the consequences of her actions, offering a poignant lesson in love, trust, and redemption.

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