Chapter Two: School

Jenny's POV

I pull into my school which is Lake Worth Academy. As soon as I get out of my car Emily walks up to me and says, "I did not mean what I texted you it was an accident. It will never happen again!" I just rolled my eyes and walked to class. I honestly did not want to hear the excuses of what my "best friend" had to say. I have math class first which I usually look forward to because I get to sit with my now ex-boyfriend. But today I am not looking forward to it. 

I got through math. Tyler tried hard to get me to talk to him but thankfully he realized I'm not giving in and gave it up. As I am walking to my locker one of the girls that is on my cheer team that does not necessarily like me which is because I got captain and she didn't well her name is Kate she came up to me and made a snarky comment like "its about time that you realized that your best friend was fucking your boyfriend". I just responded with, "You know Kate I would watch my mouth if I were you. In case your bird brain has forgotten I'm head captain and I can make you run laps at practice and bench you at games if I want to". Kate just rolled her eyes and walked away. I got my books out of my locker and headed to English. 

After English class ended it was time for lunch. I really didn't want to go because I usually sit with Tyler and Emily. I ended up going to Coach Jackie's office to talk with her about what has been going on. A lot of people don't know this because me and Coach Jackie like to keep it a secret so no one can blame her for having favorites. Coach Jackie is technically my aunt. Now you may think I got the head cheerleader spot because of her. Well I did not. We both did not know she was my aunt until she figured out who my grandma was. 

I knock on Coach Jackie's door and she yells come in. She stands up and says it's good to see you Jenny and I automatically just started crying. I honestly do not know why maybe it's because I was betrayed by my now ex boyfriend and best friend. Coach Jackie gives me a tissue and sits me down on her two seater couch she has in her office and tells me to tell her why I am crying. 

I told her what had happened with Emily and Tyler. I also told her what Kate said. I also told her that I did threaten Kate with more laps and being benched during games. I knew Kate would tattle on me because she keeps trying to get me demoted from head captain. 

Coach Jackie looked at me and said, "I knew there was something fishy between Emily and Tyler but I didn't think it was that." She also told me that it was their loss and not to worry about practice today if I did not feel up to it. I told her I am not going to let them see that I am upset. I have to be strong. We both hugged and I went to my next classes. 

When the end of school bell rang I went to my locker, switched my books for my cheer bag and headed to cheer practice. I whispered to myself let's show them that Jenny Powers isn't a bitch to be messed with! 

Author's Note: I hope you all  like it so far.
I am trying to post every Friday! If i don't please bare with me! 

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