Chapter IV

I woke up to the sound of the radio playing. I started humming the toon as I slowly got up from the bed.

"I'll never smile again..."

"I'm soo in love with you..."

I smiled as I saw my mom come inside singing the song with me. She then took my hand and turned me around just to dance in place as we sang along.

"Whitin my heart.."

"I know I will never..."

"Start to smile again..."

I laughed with my mom as she let go of my hands twirling me to the bed.

"When your done cleaning your room come down stairs, Your dad is making breakfast."

I smiled at her as she walked out of my room and the radio played another song. I made my bed still humming and dancing. Than in the moment, I closed and all I could see is Bruce smiling face, along with an apparent feeling of hands touching me on my waiste.


I jumped scared, turning just to slap him in the face as he fell back unto the door laughing.

"You're still just as easy to scare as you where before I left a year and a half ago."

He just laughed as I place my hands on my heart and walked out off my room.

"You clean it then, since your so brave, Don't you dare come near me unless you want me to slap you senseless again."

I walked down stairs as I heared him still laughing.

"I'll gladly clean my sister's room. Maybe than it'll be clean! Donna!"

"OH! You!"

I stopped and turned just about the bottom of the stairs as I felt my fathers hands on my shoulder,

"Donna, go sit at the dinner table and let it go, for today you have to go to work. Peter! Hurry Up will you! You need to go apply at a job! I don't care if its just as a secretary! That ankle of yours needs time to heal!"

"Yeah POPS! I'll be right there!"

I walked to the dinning table and sat down as my mother placed four servings of Nabisco shredded wheat on the table. I looked at her for just a second before I heard peter walking down the stairs still laughing. He got quite and sat down in the chair across from me and dad sat down at the head of the table looking confused.

"Elizabeth, What is this?"

My mom looked at my dad with a straight glare as Peter and I slowly pushed the chairs back ready to leave without eating at any given moment.

"When I cook you a meal Richard you eat it, Okay? I don't need you questioning my decisions."

My dad's whole soul left the table as he pulled his chair closer to the table and smiled at her and us. I wanted to laugh so hard but I restrained myself, but Peter let out a shackle as our mom placed four little plates in the center and looked right at him. The fear in his eyes I knew too will as we both pulled the chairs closer to the table in silence. She Placed strawberries and blueberries down on the table with a fork inside. Beside that there was powder sugar and Fresh honey. She seated down across from dad and lifted a her fork in the air as my dad cleared his throat.

"Well son what do you plan on doing now I mean the war is over and you are in need of a job. What do you think about working with me on the office we could use a young man to help with the deliveries they pay you 50 cents to the dollar. That's real good pay for delivering or you could be the one doing the printing process? They get paid 45 cents to the dollar just 5 cents less but it's still good money."

Peter stayed quite as he slowly placed blueberries on his plate with honey. I smiled at mom as she turned to me using her eyes to point at Peter with a smile in her face. I placed strawberries on my plate with honey and a little bit of powder sugar as my dad picked up his mug of coffee and took a sip.

"Well dad Peter could work with me too, or take my job I was actually thinking of going back to school I certainly saved enough money these last 4 years working. He'll get paid much more there about 90 cents to the dollar and they have insurance you know that's almost never offered."

My dad slammed the cup on the table making me jump just as I lifted my fork to my face. making me drop everything on the floor.

" Richard! What is wrong with you?! She's right her job is a far better option than what you're giving him. And she can do what ever she wants including getting an education."

I continued eating my food as I felt my heart fall and started taking deep breaths as quietly as I could as looked down at the table. I felt my brother gently kick my knee as I just shoved food down and looked up at him. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as he used his eyes pointing at dad.

"Look I said nothing to you when you wanted to work, I kept my mouth shut. Now that I'm talking to your brother I'm going to need you to do the same thing. Do you understand? I know what is best for my children. You didn't listen to me, okay that's you. Now let me talk to your brother. Now look at the time;I just have enough to drop you off. Why don't you just start learning how to drive instead of wasting your time in lala land."

Peter got up from the chair quickly slamming his hands on the chair and everyone halted. Than he walked around the table, kissing our mom's head just to take two napkins from in front of her. He walked behind me, pulling my chair back and handed me one of the napkins as he used the other one to clean his face. Our dad slammed both hands on the table and stood up. I then stood up and Peter pulled me to stand behind him.

"Look dad I'm not a boy anymore I've seen more of the world than even you and I will not stand by while you hurt my sister in front of me. If her job is a better offer than yours, in any way, what makes you think that I would even take yours?"

Our mom stood up and picked up the plates as dad tried to grab her arm, but whit force, she yanked him away.

"Don't touch me Richard, what you just did is enough for even me to take. She is a young lady, that alone should make you have more hope in who she is a young lady. Do you understand! Now leave my house before I forget your my husband! Take my car Peter and go with your sister."

Dad just rolled his eyes and went stomping out of the house as we heard him drive off. Peter grabbed my purse and his wallet and walked out the back doors as mom started to watch the dishes. We just sat on the car as tears continued to flow from my eyes as peter kept tapping the floor mat angerly with his foot.

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