I freeze, My muscles tense.

What the fuck is he doing here? Slowly turning around. I watch him walk to my bed and crash on it giving a satisfyed sigh. He turns to me with a lifted brow.

"are you really that dence? I've been standing here for how long and you didn't even notice me. "

I grint my teeth together. "what are you doing here Finn? "

Who does he think he is. Invading my privacy like that? What makes him think he has the right to walk into my room whenever he wants? And why didn't Andrew tell me he came over?

"your dad let me in " he shrugs nonchalantly and starts going through my drawer.

"why are you here Finn? "

He stops toying with my stuff and turns to look at me "you're supposed to teach me remember? "he lifts a brow "and you're late for your very first lesson, isn't that setting a bad example Miss McCarthy? "

He smirks and i scowl. I knew this was going to come back and bite me in the back.

"you should have called "i take a deep breath.

"if i called you would have insisted we meet at the dinner and i won't have got to sneak into your bedroom "

The way he says the word 'bedroom ' makes it sound like there is some secrets behind these walls that only the both of us are ment to know of. He wiggles his eyebrows, making me cringe.

I had planned on getting myself relaxed in a warm bath and take a long nap after that. But no, the world just doesn't want to see me smile.

My inner self burning with rage but i try my best to conceal it. Why do the fucking Mortons always have to screaw with me at times like this?

"oh yeah, by the way. I didn't know your bra size was this big "he lays there holding my bra up with his index finger and gawking at it like it's some kind of beauty he has never seen before, and trust me, he's seen alot.

That does it!


"the dude's got some nerve" Kyle cracks up .

"that's not all, he was actually sizing my bra! " my best friend bursts into an uncontrollable laughter.

"he d-did? "

"yep, his exact words were 'i didn't know your bra size was this big ' "Kyle falls down to the bed laughing till his chest hurt. I don't get what is so funny though. I thought he hates Finn. He shouldn't be laughing he should be frowning.

Lately, I've been spending alot of time at Kyle's house, firstly because Brittany has been spending a lot of time with Andrew at the house now and I'm trying to keep my distance to avoid any unnecessary conversations and mostly because i just can't stand the sight of them being all lovey and touchy all the time.

I know it's selfish, but i can't. I can't stand it. It makes me think about mum and how badly he treated her. And seeing him somewhat happy with a little girl makes me want to throw up.

Not to mention I'm also trying to avoid Finns night visits with the excuse of 'lessons '.

The guy doesn't know when to give up. I can imagine all the things that he did and could do with only the both of us in a mansion.

I'm not stupid, i know he's not just coming over to learn about gravity and space but my body.

Like the last time he took his shirt off, claiming he couldn't stand the heat under an air conditioner that freezes like the South Pole. And the other he sqeezed close to me when there was more than enough space on my table, plus ontop that, he took advantage of my mini dress and tried touching my thighs with his hands.

Even though, i know for a fact that there is something going on between him and Alice he still tries to get his hands on me, whatever chance he gets. Not to mention, i know Finn doesn't really care about his studies, he can buy his way into college for all i know. And he never even pays attention during said lesson's.

The only thing he pays attention to are my tits and legs. And oh,... My bra collection.

"you know i don't entirely blame him even though he's a shameless pervert" Kyle's laughter has died down to soft chuckles. "you're pretty attractive in that area "he winks.

My cheeks flush. "you're not any less of a pervert than he is "i say "but I'll take that as a compliment. "

"please do "his grin doesn't fade as he sits up straight "so what movie are we watching "

"gimme the options "

Before you guess something like the notebook or to all the boys I've loved. Hell no! 

I'm not one of those girls. I think Kyle enjoys watching romance more than i do. And unlike the other teenagers you see in sappy romance novels, we don't repeat movies we already watched before.

Why would you want to re-watch a movie you watched something years ago with ugly grafics when the movie theater is always producing new and better stuff every now and then?

"okay so, " he scrolls through his computer "i have one Christian romance 'i believe ', one action 'Gringo' and one horror' doctor sleep' " he pauses to look at me. "or we could just watch the new season of our favorite series 'money heist ' "

I think about it for a while then i come to decide i want to watch horror tonight, so i pick Dr sleep and adjust myself on his pillows, dragging the blanket above us and snuggle closer to Kyle while we wait for the movie to load.

We aren't even half way into the movie when i let my thoughts carry me away into something I've been wanting to do for some time now but too nervous about it.

"Kyle? " my voice comes out as a light whisper.

"yeah? "

"Um... " I've been thinking about this for a while now but i don't want to intrude and i don't know how to ask him.

"lex? " he looks worried. Puts the movie on pause and turns to give me his full attention.

"i know this is asking too much, and I'll understand if you can't but i really need somewhere to stay these days, i don't want to live in there anymore and you are the only person i can talk to right now so please, please, let me stay here for a few weeks, i promise I'll leave as soon as i can get somewhere to live on... "

"shut up. "

I freeze. This is it. This is where he's going to reject me and tell me he can't let me...

He's smiling?

He's smiling?

"why are you smiling? " i ask feeling confused.

"you look cute when you're nervous "


"what are you... "

"lexa " he grabs my hand. "you don't ever need to be nervous around me about anything. I mean this is practically your home already. I honestly thought i was actually going to have to drag you here myself. "

"so that's a yes? "

"that's a definitely! "

My face split into a huge grin. I jump on him reflectively and hug him tight.

"i love you Kay! You're the best. "

He goes silent for a while, and then he mutters almost completely silent "i wish ".

Next chapter